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These Celebrities Left Hollywood For Normal Jobs


Many have the dream of moving to Hollywood to become rich and famous. What they don’t realize is that even if you do make it into movies or television shows, getting work can be very inconsistent. Some celebrities are in show business for life, but plenty of stars leave the glitz and glamour behind to work regular jobs.

With the entertainment industry being as stable as a wobbly wooden bridge, and tomorrows not being assured, many walked away from it all as young adults, even at the peak of their careers. We know you’ll recognize many of these familiar faces who took the safer bet and decided to live a normal life…

Sarah Michelle Gellar


Sarah Michelle Gellar was a popular actress in the 1990s and early 2000s starring in films and television shows such as I Know What You Did Last Summer, Scooby-Doo, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Sarah Michelle Gellar stepped away from the spotlight to create her own company. Sarah created Foodstirs with Galit Laibow and Greg Fleishman to connect with their children.

Sarah and her friends were inspired by the idea of connecting with their children through baking. There weren’t a lot of kid-friendly products at the time, and Sarah decided to change that. Foodstirs offers baking kits, equipment, and kid-friendly recipes and the products are now available in over 8,000 stores.
